Mark Wilson

Project Manager

Mark (he/him/his) is an experienced Project Manager who has worked with a multitude of clients, allowing him to gain and provide valuable knowledge about the many aspects of direct mail campaigns.

Throughout his years at ABD Direct, he’s had the pleasure of working with a wide variety of clients including American Friends of Magen David Adom, AIPAC, HealthWell Foundation, and the Government Accountability Project. He enjoys being able to collaborate with all the different departments within the company and using his expertise, attention to detail, communication, and management to see projects come together smoothly and finish on time. Mark finds it very fulfilling to build relationships with his clients and to help raise funds and awareness for their causes.

Mark received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration – Marketing & Economics, from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. He lives in the small village of Slinger, WI, and loves to go fishing, bicycling, and canoeing when the weather is nice; when bad weather keeps him indoors it’s no worries, as he also enjoys playing video games, putting together jigsaw puzzles, or watching a movie.